• CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) is a partnership between farmers and local consumers. CSA members share the risks and rewards of farming by purchasing a “share” of the farm’s harvest in advance, ensuring farmers have funds to grow and members receive a regular supply of fresh, seasonal produce.

  • The selection of produce changes throughout the growing season, reflecting what’s currently being harvested. Please see what we grow under “CSA Crops”.

  • Our CSA offers a self-serve system (as labeled) with some customization (you can swap a product or two). Generally speaking, you will choose one of each of the produce available for the week’s pick-up.

  • We currently offer a 12 week CSA program and hope to continue expanding the time horizon as we are able to extend our growing season with infrastructure like our green house.

CSA General

  • Yes, and no. We are not Certified Organic as of yet, although we use sustainable, organic growing methods, amendments and seeds.

  • CSA memberships are great for trying new foods! On our Blog, we aim to provide recipes and cooking tips to help members make the most of each share.

Product and Quality

Payment & Membership

  • We offer two share sizes: The Nibbler ($180), provides 5-7 crops each week, and The Feaster ($360), provides 8-10 crops.

  • We do not allow new members mid-season since our CSA crops and garden beds are planned in advance.

  • You can ask someone else to pick it up for you, donate it or bank the share’s “points” towards storage produce at the end of the season (potatoes, onions, beets, squash, garlic and maple syrup). This can be done up to twice in a season.

  • We offer a 10% discount on in-store purchases outside of weekly shares, and a farm-to-table event at the end of the season is included in the cost of your share.

  • Yes. Visiting hours for the public are from 1-4 pm on Saturdays starting the May long weekend until Thanksgiving. We also look forward to hosting special member events like farm tours, volunteer days, and harvest celebrations.

  • CSA members share the risks and rewards of farming. If a crop fails due to things beyond our control, shares may be lighter or contain substitutions. Conversely, members benefit from bumper crops when harvests are abundant.


  • Pick-up directly at the farm on Saturdays from 10-12 am or Wednesdays from 4-6 pm mid-July to Thanksgiving. Please bring your own bag or box to pick up your share. We do not offer delivery at this time.

  • If there is no prior communication to bank your share and you forget to pick-up your produce, it will be donated to a food bank or community organization.

Pick-up and Delivery